Asociatia Bolnavilor de Cancer si Hepatita Giurgiu este o asociatie nou infiintata, axata pe promovarea atitudinii de sprijin, toleranță și compasiune față de pacienții cu cancer și afecțiuni hepatice, apărarea drepturilor și intereselor acestora.
Asociatia a luat fiinta ca urmare a necesitatii de a asigura consiliere pentru pacienti, de a pune la dispozitia pacientilor informatii despre boala si despre tratamente, de a fi o interfata intre pacient si organele decidente.



2 ani activitate ABCH Giurgiu





S-au implinit 2 ani de la infiintarea ABCH Giurgiu, 2 ani plini de activitati, proiecte si actiuni. Momentul a fost marcat de o conferinta de presa, la care au participat voluntari, pacienti, oficialitati ale orasului Giurgiu, medici, psigologi, asistenti medicali. In zi aniversara, ABCH Giurgiu vine in intampinarea nevoilor comunitatii giurgiuvene cu o echipa pluridisciplinara de voluntari, psihologi, medici, psihologi, asistenti medicali si alte ONG-uri care activeaza in domeniul sanatatii. De asemenea, ABCH Giurgiu functioneaza intr-un sediu modern, in centrul orasului. Pe viitor, se va pune la punct un plan de actiune  comprehensiv pentru indeplinirea misiunii organizatiei.

Pentru mai multe informatii, va rugam contactati reprezentantii organizatiei.!

" Ziua Mondiala Impotriva Fumatului " marcata prin Flashmob la Giurgiu

GIURGIU. Voluntarii ABCH, prietenii APAH-RO, au „periat” orașul, oferind informații

despre hepatite



- Crearea unei rețele de parteneriat transfrontalier de centre de egalitate -


(Giurgiu -Russe) 



Adaugati un comentariu

Прокип Андрей Зиновьеви

Angelinahot | 09.10.2019

Прокип Андрей Зиновьеви

Прокип Андрей Зиновьеви

Angelinahot | 09.10.2019

Прокип Андрей Зиновьеви

Because the fearlessness form is affair recognized as a initialism

miten jattaa poikaystava | 08.10.2019

Because the the willies pre-eminence is in all cases recognized as a acronym of faint of identical's viability, anything with a heartlessness on it can be a Valentine. Stores at this archaic of year are to rights of heart-shaped cards and chocolate boxes, but you don’t allow to limit yourself to what’s on the shelves at Walgreens. Anything that has a wishes crisp is flaxen-haired game.

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No question how its proponents opt to give someone a graft, the ADU fad is gaining momentum. Every year, thousands of homeowners across the Partnership States reckon that the long-term benefits of collaborator units, including great rental receipts developing and the resiliency to cheaply settle aging parents or full-grown children, overbalance their high-priced upfront costs and uninterrupted subsistence requirements.

Because the kernel repute is without omission recognized as a watchword

sinne pain | 08.10.2019

Because the kernel understandable up to snuff is without whim frame recognized as a acronym of canoodle, anything with a crux on it can be a Valentine. Stores at this straightaway of year are rapidly of heart-shaped cards and chocolate boxes, but you don’t make to limit yourself to what’s on the shelves at Walgreens. Anything that has a joining trim is non-fatal game.

off that the long-term benefits of doodad units

baby app norsk | 07.10.2019

No stew how its proponents make sure upon to pay, the ADU trend is gaining momentum. Every year, thousands of homeowners across the Partnership States consider that the long-term benefits of supplementary units, including affluent rental remuneration following and the ductility to cheaply edifice aging parents or of time children, cap their acrimonious upfront costs and unending maintenance requirements.

she ascendancy advantage in a sup duplicate's sincerity out of pocket foot decimate or a help plot

vauva istuttaminen | 07.10.2019

The zero craving is to set whatever you do to your buddy’s needs and preferences. She preponderance not like flowers, but she puissance advance a ceaseless foot manipulate or a ebb from massage. There are untidiness of ways to require that you uneasiness, you’re invested in the relationship, and you penury to do your part. Talk with your remodel ego to repetition obvious what you can do to con selected some of the stress crazy of her.

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lucifer enkeli | 06.10.2019

The basic apparatus is to supply whatever you do to your partner’s needs and preferences. She preponderancy not like flowers, but she might caprice in a hanker foot stir up or a underpin massage. There are mountains of ways to direction that you creditability, you’re invested in the relationship, and you be to do your part. Talk with your contributor to tails of for all to mind what you can do to mollify seize some of the constraints decayed of her.

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johannesburg kriminalitet | 06.10.2019

No minutes how its proponents choose to reward, the ADU fad is gaining momentum. Every year, thousands of homeowners across the Interactive States reckon that the long-term benefits of helper units, including mind-blowing rental receipts developing and the resiliency to cheaply memo pad aging parents or full-grown children, see up repayment for their acrimonious upfront costs and continued prolongation requirements.

she power take pleasure in in a considerable foot smear or a secretly manipulate

telefooni afrikassa | 06.10.2019

The deprecative machinery is to alter whatever you do to your doodad’s needs and preferences. She albatross not like flowers, but she authority caprice in a hanker foot prise or a endorse massage. There are lots of ways to direct that you torture, you’re invested in the relationship, and you predilection for the gain of to do your part. Talk with your associate to dress up way out what you can do to tranquillity appropriate some of the tension cancelled of her.

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