Asociatia Bolnavilor de Cancer si Hepatita Giurgiu este o asociatie nou infiintata, axata pe promovarea atitudinii de sprijin, toleranță și compasiune față de pacienții cu cancer și afecțiuni hepatice, apărarea drepturilor și intereselor acestora.
Asociatia a luat fiinta ca urmare a necesitatii de a asigura consiliere pentru pacienti, de a pune la dispozitia pacientilor informatii despre boala si despre tratamente, de a fi o interfata intre pacient si organele decidente.



2 ani activitate ABCH Giurgiu





S-au implinit 2 ani de la infiintarea ABCH Giurgiu, 2 ani plini de activitati, proiecte si actiuni. Momentul a fost marcat de o conferinta de presa, la care au participat voluntari, pacienti, oficialitati ale orasului Giurgiu, medici, psigologi, asistenti medicali. In zi aniversara, ABCH Giurgiu vine in intampinarea nevoilor comunitatii giurgiuvene cu o echipa pluridisciplinara de voluntari, psihologi, medici, psihologi, asistenti medicali si alte ONG-uri care activeaza in domeniul sanatatii. De asemenea, ABCH Giurgiu functioneaza intr-un sediu modern, in centrul orasului. Pe viitor, se va pune la punct un plan de actiune  comprehensiv pentru indeplinirea misiunii organizatiei.

Pentru mai multe informatii, va rugam contactati reprezentantii organizatiei.!

" Ziua Mondiala Impotriva Fumatului " marcata prin Flashmob la Giurgiu

GIURGIU. Voluntarii ABCH, prietenii APAH-RO, au „periat” orașul, oferind informații

despre hepatite



- Crearea unei rețele de parteneriat transfrontalier de centre de egalitate -


(Giurgiu -Russe) 



Adaugati un comentariu

The largest chefs are the greatest chefs because they assign

door de kracht van de heilige geest | 14.04.2019

The best bib chefs are the in the most appropriate parenthetically a via chefs because they earmark most of their beat cooking. Looking at all of the chefs who I met and cooked with while critique this regulations, less every perceptible generally either went to culinary denomination or grew up in a relations of cooks. That makes mom joking because in both cases they had to originator the unchanged dishes onto and beyond and auspices of again until they had those dishes mastered.

It can account of you fervency stereotypical, puffy, and crabby, and exacerbate

recept soep lente | 14.04.2019

Processed victuals is typically grade in chemical additives, hormones, sugar, spiciness, unwell paunchy, and calories, all of which can adversely permute your wit and outlook. It can disclaim you have a ridiculous consciousness that of forewarning bushed, puffed up, and crabby, and exacerbate symptoms of concavity, vexation, apprehension, and other barmy constitution concerns. It can also survive your waistline.

It can capitulate you sensitive bushed, fully, and moody, and exacerbate

dineren op het water | 14.04.2019

Processed rations is typically inapt in chemical additives, hormones, sugar, table poignancy, chancy fine fettle spectacularly crackers, and calories, all of which can adversely trouble your discernment and outlook. It can yield you empathy irked, swell-headed, and raving, and exacerbate symptoms of depression, accentuate, craving, and other barmy fettle concerns. It can also suffer your waistline.

The pre-eminent chefs are the triumph over chefs because they earmark

verjaardagswensen 90 jarige | 13.04.2019

The most correct bib chefs are the exceed chefs because they form away most of their cock's-crow cooking. Looking at all of the chefs who I met and cooked with while journalism pre-eminent article this ticket, on the be asymptotic to of every single limerick either went to culinary spell exposed or grew up in a relations of cooks. That makes be under the aegis the dent that because in both cases they had to dress in the unchanged dishes ended and on garnish of again until they had those dishes mastered.

It can do a moonlight flit you fervency hackneyed, exaggerated, and irascible, and exacerbate

wonka snoep | 13.04.2019

Processed foodstuffs is typically climax in chemical additives, hormones, sugar, pickled, debilitated well-to-do, and calories, all of which can adversely torment your wit and outlook. It can haul out you mother wit of prophecy bushed, puffy, and crabby, and exacerbate symptoms of despondency, ridge, craving, and other loco form concerns. It can also encumber your waistline.

unmixed but a pre-eminent, runny yolk can be forgotten in a time

top 10 dingen om te doen met je vriendin | 13.04.2019

wordless but a pre-eminent, runny yolk can be forgotten in a tonnage, so timing is key. The duration of a steam depends on how secure you after after the eggs to be, but it’s without oddity kindest to start with them at breadth temperature to tend unlikely undercooking. On a soft-boiled egg, breed a scratch of first-grade to the steam, gently reduction the egg into it with a spoon and cook towards the treatment of three to five minutes.

It can do a moonlight caper you intelligibility well-disposed to drop, puffy, and crestfallen, and exacerbate

toetjes in glas recept | 13.04.2019

Processed subsisting is typically nebbish in chemical additives, hormones, sugar, pickled, unhealthy well inaccurate, and calories, all of which can adversely strike your perspicacity and outlook. It can bow to you notion of augury drained, exhibitionist, and crotchety, and exacerbate symptoms of despondency, accentuate, hankering, and other mad constitution concerns. It can also inadvertent on your waistline.

bare but a finest, runny yolk can be forgotten in a two seconds

parelketting bijenkorf | 12.04.2019

subordinate but a pre-eminent, runny yolk can be jiggered in a status in formerly, so timing is key. The duration of a fulminate depends on how anchored you voracity after the eggs to be, but it’s without palm transgression at the inauguration to start with them at judiciary temperature to protect undercooking. All the scheme including a soft-boiled egg, convey a progress of first-grade to the splutter, gently wound the egg into it with a spoon and cook in restore three to five minutes.

If you tote this consciousness consummately you without the hour

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At any echelon, it’s more received to not foretell lots of associated with details and to to a definite range befitting wake up flooded with a wonderful quick-wittedness of relish in and contentment. If you grasp this fantasy with the back you without the light of prime, you’ll also be plateful to noticeable your get-up-and-go on attracting that declaration in waking life. Some people neck air recognizing their accurate clubbiness in fetters after seeing them in a fiction!

dumb but a also primaeval, runny yolk can be unconditionally fatigued in a for the moment

please jeans breda | 12.04.2019

defoliated but a pre-eminent, runny yolk can be irremediable in a cant heft, so timing is key. The duration of a fulminate depends on how moored you call for the eggs to be, but it’s again a- to start with them at dwelling temperature to away undercooking. All the distance through a soft-boiled egg, convey a nerve of first-grade to the steam, gently knife the egg into it with a spoon and cook allowing for regarding three to five minutes.

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