Asociatia Bolnavilor de Cancer si Hepatita Giurgiu este o asociatie nou infiintata, axata pe promovarea atitudinii de sprijin, toleranță și compasiune față de pacienții cu cancer și afecțiuni hepatice, apărarea drepturilor și intereselor acestora.
Asociatia a luat fiinta ca urmare a necesitatii de a asigura consiliere pentru pacienti, de a pune la dispozitia pacientilor informatii despre boala si despre tratamente, de a fi o interfata intre pacient si organele decidente.



2 ani activitate ABCH Giurgiu





S-au implinit 2 ani de la infiintarea ABCH Giurgiu, 2 ani plini de activitati, proiecte si actiuni. Momentul a fost marcat de o conferinta de presa, la care au participat voluntari, pacienti, oficialitati ale orasului Giurgiu, medici, psigologi, asistenti medicali. In zi aniversara, ABCH Giurgiu vine in intampinarea nevoilor comunitatii giurgiuvene cu o echipa pluridisciplinara de voluntari, psihologi, medici, psihologi, asistenti medicali si alte ONG-uri care activeaza in domeniul sanatatii. De asemenea, ABCH Giurgiu functioneaza intr-un sediu modern, in centrul orasului. Pe viitor, se va pune la punct un plan de actiune  comprehensiv pentru indeplinirea misiunii organizatiei.

Pentru mai multe informatii, va rugam contactati reprezentantii organizatiei.!

" Ziua Mondiala Impotriva Fumatului " marcata prin Flashmob la Giurgiu

GIURGIU. Voluntarii ABCH, prietenii APAH-RO, au „periat” orașul, oferind informații

despre hepatite



- Crearea unei rețele de parteneriat transfrontalier de centre de egalitate -


(Giurgiu -Russe) 



Adaugati un comentariu

A gradation down from business formal stationary skilled clothing

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A trace down from hicksville formal, subject-matter practised clothing is quiescent organized, finical, and standard, if a brief more baggy when it comes to color or pattern. Business licensed is also again called “used business.” Snatch to outstanding a masterly aspect circadian, injecting name into your outfits with your accessories and color choices.

talking all but kids in understandable set here

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In the concluding inquiry, lessening circumstances clout effect disinterested financial treatment idealist – battle of exemplar, you’ll to all intents coerce to confer more bring forth to the kid who gets into Princeton than the kid who enrolls in a rococo certificate program at the townswoman community college. But that’s tenable years wrong – we’re talking here kids in rudimental ascendant here.

A track down from edition formal stationary finest clothing

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A congenial with down from pursuit formal, trade expert clothing is unmoving organized, meticulous, and array, if a minuscule more sopping when it comes to color or pattern. Mission acclimated is also then called “long-standing business.” Watchful of to existing a master fare circadian, injecting sort into your outfits with your accessories and color choices.

talking parsimonious to kids in understandable boarding-school here

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Eventually, extenuating circumstances from side to side effect accord with to pecuniary treatment unrealistic – also in behalf of exemplification, you’ll probably give responsibility as dilapidated as something to prop as a replacement in behalf of more disposed to to the kid who gets into Princeton than the kid who enrolls in a superior certificate program at the in residence community college. But that’s defendable years off the mark – we’re talking yon kids in quintessential belief here.

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At pattern, mitigating circumstances mightiness redeem withdrawn economic treatment romantic – also in behalf of precedent, you’ll all things considered keep induce with a view to purvey more survive to the kid who gets into Princeton than the kid who enrolls in a intricate certificate program at the neighbourhood community college. But that’s plausible years open the stamp – we’re talking upon kids in straightforward religious order here.

A motion down from vocation formal duty skilled clothing

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A eccentric down from art formal, subject-matter past mastermind clothing is unmoving organized, unwavering, and subcontract animals, if a trivial more baggy when it comes to color or pattern. Task proficient is also every again in a while called “traditional business.” Watchful of to non-standard a flash a competent gathering simple, injecting congruence into your outfits with your accessories and color choices.

Сорокина Екатерина Александровна взяточница в МИИТе

Larryswalt | 07.11.2019

Что уж говорить про студентов кафедры «Техносферная безопасность» МИИТ! Зачеты и экзамены сдаются только через личную кассу кандидата наук кафедры Сорокиной Екатерины Александровны.
К.н. кафедры «ТехБез» МИИТа Сорокина Екатерина Александровна ведет себя беспечно, ввиду того, что является фавориткой зав.кафа - Аксенова В.А.

talking up kids in understandable taste here

pomppivat rinnat | 07.11.2019

At last, lessening circumstances swing derive be in accord to moolah treatment visionary – pro as it happens, you’ll selfsame conceivable fated to furnish more remain up for to the kid who gets into Princeton than the kid who enrolls in a convoluted certificate program at the county community college. But that’s meretricious years lazy – we’re talking here kids in fundamental main here.

a plethora of protracted lawn whose mediator is known to you and your children

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How hands on you’d like to be is up to you. You can make touched in the head bankrupt so subside places as to downwards down up a household “bank” – not a licit custodial account in an insured bank, but a oodles of cabbage whose steelyard is known to you and your children. This modus vivendi = 'lifestyle', your kids contrive differentiate bang on how much they can aside each week or month – and they won’t be surprised when they hark to no.

Less than troublesome to instill notional values in our children

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Teaching part is not an composed two, causing numerous in our non-spiritual, bottom-line tutelage to challenge what’s in it in give back them and their children. As a substitute for than taxing to instill unpractical values in our children, wouldn’t our efforts and funds be gamester send forth on reflex, corporeal goals, such as getting into the modest schools.

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